The Award-Winning Powerful Parenting® Program
Powerful Behaviour and Family Management Strategies - Proven to work, and not available anywhere, but here!
We have spent years designing our powerful 12-step behaviour and family management program for parents who want to succeed with their parenting, and family and behaviour management. The Powerful Parenting® Program is based on years of success working with children and is for children of all ages, from two+ years of age to upper primary. Regardless of the behaviours or ages you are dealing with, this powerful ‘Parent-and-Child’ training program will cater to your child’s individual needs, and will work!
Unlike other programs available, 'Powerful Parenting–12 simple steps to behaviour success!' is not about time-outs, counting to 3, punishments or quick-fixes! The Powerful Parenting® Program puts adults back in the driver’s seat where they belong, and shows them, step-by-step, how to prevent problems while ensuring long-term, genuine change takes place! And that's the key to our
phenomenal success and remarkable results!
At Powerful Parenting Australia, we are absolutely committed to giving parents the skills they need for success, and children the skills they deserve for life!
The Award-Winning Powerful Parenting® Program will take the guess work out of parenting for you! It's packed full of resources!
The powerful strategies and principles that underpin the Powerful Parenting® Program have succeeded with a large variety of children with very different behaviour and social needs — and will work for your child too. Every parent who has fully implemented the Powerful Parenting® Program has experienced change and success! And this makes us very excited!
We are confident the Powerful Parenting® Program will transform your parenting, and will bring about the huge changes you and your family deserve!
The Powerful Parenting® Program:
Part One - Understanding Behaviour
Put simply, our approach to behaviour is failing with today’s children. Strategies such as time-outs, rewards and punishments are highly problematic and no longer work with the behaviours we see today. They are reactive in nature and do not bring about genuine or lasting change. Part one of the Powerful Parenting® Program looks at the behaviour we are dealing with today, why our approaches are failing, and then outlines a powerful, highly-effective alternative system that is based on PREVENTION and succeeding with children of all ages!
Part One of the Program will show you:
- How to avoid the problems and pitfalls so many adults encounter when managing behaviour
- Why so many behaviour programs fail to bring about genuine change
- How to avoid failure-prone tactics that make behaviours problems worse
- How to implement a powerful and skilled system of preventative behaviour management
- What is happening to behaviour in school and childcare
- What is 'behaviour'?
- Why the apparent breakdown in behaviour?
- How does society typically deal with behaviour?
- Why our typical approach to behaviour is problematic and failing
- Preventative behaviour management - The powerful alternative!
Part Two - The Powerful 12 Step Solution
Part Two of the Program is the powerful 12 step solution. All 12 steps have been specifically designed to work in-conjunction with one another, and will inform and support your parenting long-term, as your child transitions from childhood to those challenging teenage years. Each step is a powerful agent for change in its own right, but also plays a crucial role in the Program in its entirety. The comprehensive nature of this Program ensures every family will experience success, and rather than being a 'traditional' program that will stop at some stage, you will incorporate these powerful practices and techniques into your parenting for years to come.
Step 1: Eliminate factors outside the programme that adversely affect behaviour
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- How to eliminate factors that prevent behaviour management success
- The link between food chemicals and behaviour
- Violent media and its effect on behaviour
- Exactly how to evaluate the quality of the school or childcare environment
- What steps to take if behaviour becomes an issue at school or childcare
- What your rights are as a parent, and how to ensure you and your child both receive the best possible outcomes
Step 2: Create a home environment that will help you succeed with behaviour
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- The five crucial tasks you must undertake if you want to set your home up for success!
- How to communicate to your child that your approach to behaviour management has changed
- How to introduce order to the home environment
- How to reclaim your power within the home as the adult in-charge
- How to establish a new tone and happier attitude within your home
- How to set up new limits and boundaries to encourage your child's independence
- A guaranteed technique to get your child's attention and cooperation
- What to 'say' to get your child to respect and adhere to these new limits and boundaries
- How to eliminate (or prevent) bedtime, playtime or homework battles and arguments over specific issues such as the TV or family computer
- How to get the youngest of children to accept age-appropriate responsibilities
- How to get your child to stick to a timetable and become more self-managed
- The secret to helping your child feel like a valued, contributing member of the home
Step 3: Explicitly teach behaviour that will empower your child
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- How to help your child cope with social-emotional challenge
- Steps to take to develop your child's character, confidence and self-esteem
- How to help your child feel great about themselves (crucial in today's climate)
- How to have your child listen more effectively and follow instructions
- How to get your child to cooperate more with all the family and follow the rules
- A proven way to have your child perform daily and weekly responsibilities within the home
- How to help your child become more helpful, kind and caring
- Secrets to getting your child to share with others and take turns
- How to get your child to take responsibility for their behaviour
- How to ensure your child learns about their power of choice
- A powerful system to have your child learn to respect themselves more; and respect others and property
Step 4A: Learn powerful communication techniques
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- Learn specific language that encourages leadership and success
- Understand the crucial difference between explicit feedback and empty praise
- How to communicate confidently and respectfully to your child
- The exact words to guarantee your child will want to change their behaviour (this never fails!)
- How to use powerful, non-verbal communication to give your communication extra strength
- Learn about the power of the highly effective 'Because-I-love-you' Approach
- Learn why it's crucial to thank your child for what they are about to do!
- How to communicate a strong belief in your child
- Learn how to have powerful non-verbal communication assist your parenting
- The keys to communicating succinctly, confidently and calmly
Step 4B: Learn which toxic language makes behaviour worse
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- The toxicity of abusive and threatening language
- Why nagging, lecturing, name-calling and preaching is so detrimental to you and your family
- Why judging, labelling and blaming will bring nothing but problems to your relationships
- Why antiquated, coercive 'you-better-do-what-I-say-or-else' communication will always fail
- Why you should never to ask your child for permission
- The importance of avoiding meaningless arguments with your child
- How to respond to the dreaded 'why' question when managing behaviour
Step 5: Prevent behaviour problems from occurring
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- How to prevent behaviour problems from escalating or even commencing!
- How to prevent conflicts
- How to identify your child's behavioural triggers
- How to attend to peer or sibling rivalry
- How to avoid potential power struggles
- The importance of planning for stimulation and engagement
- The importance of establishing a work area for your child
- How to supervise with stealth
- The importance of allowing children to be children
- How to communicate terms before an activity begins
- How to give powerful time reminders - proven to work with children of all ages!
- How and why to distract inappropriate behaviour
- How to strategically ignore unacceptable behaviour
Step 6: Respond with 'meaningful consequences' to create change!
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- Learn, step by step, how to respond to oppositional, defiant or aggressive behaviours
- Learn how to implement powerful 'meaningful consequences' to teach children clearly and easily that all behaviour has a consequence and that they are responsible for their actions
- How to deal with temper tantrums
Step 7: Teach the power of making the right choices
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- How to teach your child to make great choices for themselves and for those around them
- How to teach your child to avoid being pressured into something they shouldn't do
Step 8: Teach skilled, independent problem-solving
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- How to teach your child to problem-solve independently and calmly
- How to have your child use their 'words of strength and power' to solve their problems rather than physical actions
- What are you teaching your child about problem solving with your own behaviour?
- How to provide your child age-appropriate opportunities to problem solve independently
Step 9: Avoid making behaviour worse with toxic management techniques
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- What exactly is toxic behaviour management?
- What effect does it have on children and families?
- How is toxic behaviour management confusing to a child?
- The dangers of being a timid, submissive parent
- Why it's important to avoid being an over-protective or overly controlling parent
- The toxicity of bribing, manipulating, spoiling and rewarding children for specific behaviours
- The absolute futility of punishments, time-outs and 'naughty' areas
- A close look at physical punishments
Step 10: Develop a relationship of love and respect with your child
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- How to develop a loving relationship with your child based on honesty and respect
- How to create a nurturing environment based on love and appreciation
- How to compromise cleverly and negotiate a win-win every time!
- How to teach your child the art of listening
- How to be an effective and active listener yourself
- Steps to encourage meaningful conversations
- How to become a firm, fair and consistent parent
- How to establish a happy and harmonious family dynamic
Step 11: Build your child’s self esteem and help them develop a positive inner voice
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- How to challenge your child's negative self-esteem and tackle low self confidence
- Specific activities and interactions that will build your child's self-esteem and independence
- How to attend to a child who is feeling negative or anxious
- How to ensure your child feels successful, self-assured and socially confident
Step 12: Create the change in yourself to positively impact your child
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- Steps to reclaim your power as you strive for change yourself!
- How to become a more confident and successful parent
- How to have your partner change their approach to managing behaviour and parenting
- How to help your partner commit to effective, stress-free behaviour management
- How to succeed as a single parent and sole authoritarian
- How to be firm yet fair, loving and in-controlHow to assume the role of 'leader', handle adversity and develop a new patience
- Why and how to take care of yourself and your relationship with a partner
- How to have sensible expectations of yourself and your child
- How to meet your challenges as a parent, relax more and have more fun!!
- And how and why you must celebrate your new successes as an individual and as a family!
Final Words
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Parenting is such an important job! It requires wisdom, insight, endless effort, patience, compassion, and bucket loads of energy! Just as learning about behaviour is a learning process for children, becoming a skilled behaviour manager is a learning process for parents. In this final section of the program, parents are encouraged to have sensible expectations of themselves, celebrate what they do well, believe in their ability to change those areas that are letting them and their children down, and have resolve, laugh more and have some fun!
- Skilled behaviour management is a learning process
- Your attitude as a parent is paramount
- You may be challenged!
- Don’t give up – Have resolve
- Relax, laugh and have some fun
CLICK HERE: 10 reasons why the Powerful Parenting® Program is so unique!
Let the Powerful Parenting® Program help you too!
The Powerful Parenting® Program will take the worry and stress out of parenting for you by giving you the clear and effective answers you need to bring about lasting changes to your child's social-emotional development and behaviour. The 'heavy lifting' and hard work has already been done. The principles and numerous strategies that have laid the foundation for this Program have been tested, proven highly successful, and are in use by parents as we speak who have invested in the Powerful Parenting® Program and now enjoy the results!
The Program is down-to-earth, user-friendly and does not waste one moment on abstract theories or the same old worn-out strategies found over and over again in so many typical programs out there. The communication it will teach you to use; the numerous practical ideas; and the strategies that will ensure your child LEARNS the behaviour skills they need to succeed - are all interwoven throughout this Program and are unique. Some of the same underlying strategies in this Program are used in support and intervention programs to ensure children learn academically, and result in the Powerful Parenting® Program being a high impact agent for change.
All you need to do is decide today to get the same powerful strategies and answers that have helped so many other children and families. You won't look back, and we really want to stress: There is absolutely no advantage in waiting or delaying things further. Be the leader your family needs. Download the Powerful Parenting® Program to learn how to expertly manage and prevent problems, and set yourself and your family up to achieve the peaceful, fulfilling and happy lives you all deserve.
Behaviour can be a problem for parents and educators who don't have a powerful system of behaviour management that works in the long-term.
- No ongoing specialist appointments!
- No expensive consultancy fees
- No academic jargon
- No more searching for the ‘answers'
- No more punishments, yelling or tension
- Step-by-step and practical
- Fun and easy-to-implement
- Solve behaviour management issues for years to come!
- Achieve great success as a family!
- For amazing results and genuine change!
“Thank you so much! I was truly inspired by the talk you gave. Having recently been referred to our Paediatrician and on to a Psychologist for assessment of my youngest child (by her school), I was on the lookout for any and all ideas which might help with her aggressive behaviours. It was surprisingly a very moving experience for me, and highlighted a lot...It has also been so very surprising to us that by implementing only a couple of the strategies from the program - it has totally turned our household on its head! By just focusing on a few of your communication techniques my youngest (known for her rebellious, demanding nature) fell straight into line and became a pleasure and compliant person to deal with! I'm feeling so optimistic about the weeks ahead. Kindest regards, all our appreciation!” J. Boyd
“My goodness. I read your program in two days and it worked so wonderfully and so quickly! We implement many parts of it each and every day. So much learning for all of us! It was a bit of a surprise that most of our son’s behaviour improved so dramatically when ours did! That was the biggest mind shift I think. Now we have our second son and we are so pleased to have the Powerful Parenting program!” J.Papiccio – Mother of two, Western Australia
“I met Davina Sharry at her workshop last year. Since then, I have put the Powerful Parenting program into practice. I have to say things are going so well at home, and my children are starting to understand with responsible behaviour comes more trust and freedom. I have actually had my children come back to me and ask if they can learn a new behaviour skill from the program because when they succeed, they gain ownership. They really enjoy that. I have also been doing a lot of my own inner work, and this program has really complimented me in becoming calmer. We have made a lot of great changes. In closing, I want to say: This is such powerful information. The program is a rock star; and you are truly inspirational.Thank you. Marko Jakovich - Father of three, Brisbane Queensland
“This program, developed by Davina Sharry has, and continues to be, a huge part of my everyday behaviour as an adult, in turning my own life around. I believe it is a revolutionary program consisting of 12 simple steps to achieve behaviour success for the entire family as they learn together. The program strategies are not about time-out and punishments, but about teaching children the skills they need to succeed over the long-term. Davina and her father Lawrence are individuals who really care and genuinely want to help families, educators and children achieve great results with behaviour and behaviour management. I highly recommend this program and feel truly blessed to have found it. I look forward to watching their journey as they get the opportunity to change the lives of so many. They are my heroes. Vonnie Reyolds, Senior Nurse and Mother of two - Bondall QLD
“Powerful Parenting is very well presented! I am so much more aware now of powerful approaches to my parenting and I will be installing and implementing these procedures. This Powerful Parenting Program is a very unique and positive program!” J. Reynolds
“This is fantastic! I feel all teachers need to do this training as well... I will stop what I’m doing and focus on what I learnt today. My husband and I have already started with some of your communication techniques!!! What positive results! I could see my children just stopping and thinking before they acted out the same behaviour again! Brilliant! I am so excited, inspired and empowered to start implementing the entire program into our lives...Many thanks. I know we are on a positive path of change and growth now for all of us.” A. Powerlett
“I first attended the Powerful Parenting Seminar almost 2 years ago This is when my life changed! That's a strong statement to use, but since using the Powerful Parenting Program with my now 5 year old son I have reduced my stress levels and changed my parenting practices for the better. I was so keen to introduce my whole family to this program, that we all attended another Powerful Parenting seminar. This has given us a renewed vigour with which to move forward in teaching our son the behavioural skills he needs. When I first heard Davina talk about her Powerful Parenting strategies, it just all 'made sense' to me and I knew straight away that this was the path I needed to follow to help build certain skills in my son and to develop my own parenting skills. Yelling, getting upset, time-outs and punishments – these just don’t work and were not good for me or my son.
We have moved forward in leaps and bounds, and most importantly the program has given me the new powerful language I needed to teach and inspire my son, rather than punitive, negative measures that do not work. Of course, we will still have some work to do in the future as this is parenting, but now I know 'how' to have parenting success through useful, powerful techniques that teach my son the behaviour he needs. He is now ready to start school next year. I am so grateful for all the knowledge and strategies Davina has given me and would highly recommend this Powerful Parenting program to every parent! Thank-you, thank-you, thank-you Davina Sharry!!”Melissa Ridgway - Mother of two. Runcorn, Brisbane QLD
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